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Welcome Back Mike Familant Master of Ceremonies
Mike Familant will share his experience researching and tracking Bigfoot. He has captured some amazing evidence from the North Country.
MIKE is a leading bigfoot researcher in the Eastern US and has been investigating sasquatch since his first encounter in Northern Florida in 2011. Familant currently tours the country full-time, bringing his bigfoot program, “Mike Familant; LIVE” to believers and skeptics across the US. He also is filming the NINTH season of his hit YouTube show, “In the Shadow of Big Red Eye.” Just in 2024 alone, Mike tent camped 139 nights looking for bigfoot!

2025 Featured Speakers

Jeff Headlee is a cast member of the reality television show “Mountain Monster.” The show follows a team of hunters and trappers from West Virginia, known as the “AIMS team,” as they search for and investigate alleged sightings of mysterious creatures in the Appalachian Mountains.

Willy McQuillian is an American arborist, hunter, expert trapper and a reality television actor. He is co-founder of Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings.
Our Guest Speakers


Jason is an esteemed author, director, and animal photojournalist who has traversed the globe, capturing the essence of diverse individuals and their exotic wildlife companions.
His acclaimed documentary film series, Searching for Sasquatch, is available for streaming worldwide on platforms such as Tubi, Amazon Prime Video, and Plex TV.
Since 2019, Jason has dedicated himself to unraveling the enigmatic lore of Bigfoot and other cryptids.
Armed solely with a camera and a flashlight, he plunges fearlessly into the darkness of the forests, resolute in his quest to solve the mystery of Bigfoot.

Eric Altman is a Cryptozoologist and Paranormal enthusiast specializing in researching the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon with a combined 45 years of study, field research, and investigations.
Eric is a well-respected field investigator, contributing author, founder, and Director of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society, one of the founding members and Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Eric was also the host and co-founder of Beyond the Edge Radio, a live weekly radio program
covering a variety of paranormal and fringe topics for over 12 years from 2007 to 2019.
Eric has and is still actively investigates cases, sighting claims, and continues to conduct fieldwork dating
back to 1997. He has investigated and assisted in investigating hundreds of Bigfoot sightings, encounters, and claims in Pennsylvania and across the country. Eric served as host and organizer of the East Coast Bigfoot Conference from 2000 to 2011, and is the host and organizer of the Pennsylvania
Bigfoot Camping Adventure, an annual charity fund raising event from 2017 to 2025.
For over 25 years, Eric is a much sought-after public speaker on the topics of Bigfoot and other paranormal topics across the country. Eric has appeared in numerous documentaries, films, and television programs about Bigfoot such as the Travel Channel’s Paranormal Declassified and the Discovery plus series “Fright Club” and the Recent Small Town Monsters 6 episode series “Sasquatch Unearthed: The Ridge.”
Eric has written for and contributed to numerous books and magazine articles on the subject of Bigfoot. He has been interviewed as a featured guest on hundreds of national radio
programs and podcast shows. He has also been featured in national and local newspapers, magazine articles, and various forms of print media.
To learn more about Eric, visit his websites https: and https:

Hi , I am Ron Howes AKA Biker Bigfoot , I am the founder of BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Fight Against PTSD A Facebook page that I developed to help people and promote awareness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , as my character biker Bigfoot, I use this to get the awareness out and try to have fun with people to open them up and maybe even talk about their problems. PTSD is throughout society no matter what realm you come from veterans ,first responders the community and the crypto world
At a young age of 13 I had a sighting of a large hair creature in the woods on a family farm. It led me in to years of private research and investigating in the woods up until a few years ago when I started going public with it and talking to people about my adventures and what I have seen and bringing light to the elusive creature none as Sasquatch , and the effects of PTSD
Over the past few years, I have engaged in multiple events, speaking about my cause and my research in the woods and also gone on Multiple outings with fellow investigators and have found some interesting Evidence and have made a lot of lifelong Friendships And could even say “ family” .
You never know what life‘s gonna bring next, so say yes, and enjoy the journey by believing in yourself and others

Welcome to the world of Sheila & Scott Grainger, your dedicated Sasquatch researchers based in North Georgia! With nearly a decade of experience and a passion for the outdoors, they invite you to join them on thrilling Sasquatch expeditions. As retired law enforcement officers, Sheila, a hospice nurse, and Scott, a Navy veteran and member of the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and Tout Unlimited, are committed to their encounters and helping others discover the mysteries of this cryptic phenomenon. Embark on an exciting adventure with them and experience the excitement of the search for Sasquatch

Swamp Man

East Coast Bigfoot Researchers Organization
Daniel J. Benoit
Founder & Researcher
As a child growing up exploring the outdoors and hunting with his father, Daniel became quite familiar with wildlife at an early
age. He heard stories of bigfoot but it wasn't until he saw the Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin film in 2010 that a fire of
curiosity sparked within him. It was then he decided he would take what he knew about the outdoors and start his own research
into the elusive creature.
Around that time, the subject of Bigfoot was becoming slightly less taboo and more open for discussion. And thanks to social
media, bigfoot communities started developing. It was there that Daniel soon began researching reported sightings and
commonalities between them; tree structures and their possible meanings; different theories as to what bigfoot is; and footprints
versus known wildlife tracks. He also began studying great apes and the similarities they share with bigfoot such as long howls,
whoops, tree knocks and tree-structure formations, as well as the comparisons to the various characteristics and Behaviors.
He went into the woods with heightened awareness and an open mind and it wasn't long before he discovered large, bipedal
humanoid tracks. At that very moment, what started as a fire of curiosity turned into a passion and the East Coast Bigfoot
Researchers Organization (E.C.B.R.O.) was born.
Since then, Daniel has conducted fieldwork in several deep remote locations all along the east coast. And on one of those
investigations in his home state of Virginia, he would have his first sighting: a family of Bigfoots. But Daniel states that he was a
"knower" of bigfoots existence prior to even seeing them based on all the other data that has been collected both from his own
research and fellow colleagues in association with the ECBRO.
Daniel has spoken at several events along the east coast and has been featured in the following Bigfoot documentaries "Elusive
Legend - An E.C.B.R.O. Story". Also Starring in The Beast Of Elkhorn Lake on Hometown Haunts Series found on Paraflixx,
and Featured on Hunt for the Shawnee Sasquatch Which was filmed in Illinois And coming soon - I BELIEVE IN BIGFOOT.
He has also been the featured guest on numerous podcasts & radio shows and hosts a podcast called "ECBRO Bigfoot Radio". He
is also an author of bigfoot research field guides and has his own YouTube Channel called "Bigfoot Zone (ECBRO)".
He decided to start the ECBRO to not only develop a strong community of researchers but to also educate and bring awareness
to everyone. Because everyone deserves to know the truth and learn what is out there. Daniel started hosting public lectures at
libraries, sharing his research and his Scientific based beliefs. Daniel has also spoke at Universities in Virginia and has gotten the
attention of Skeptics with his views on the Subject.

Mary Fabian
I’ve been actively researching for 20 years since 2004, and have had 5 good sightings over a period of 50 years, as well as too many encounters over the years to keep track of! I am the Founder of Pennsylvania Bigfoot Project, with almost 20,000 members. I’ve a podcast every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm EST On our YouTube channel, Pennsylvania Bigfoot Project. I’m an author, public speaker, content creator, and have appeared on tv, newspapers, documentaries and a movie. Join the Facebook group and Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thank you!
Life is an Adventure! Live it!

My name is Mike Smith, I have lived in the Land Between the Lakes area since 1986 but as my father was born here spent every summer in this area since 1972. I currently live in Hopkinsville KY with my wife Kara and two daughters- Briar (9) and Leila (5). I have a 20 yr old daughter ( Mirah) and a 27 yr old son ( Marcus) as well. I am the Athletic Director and Boys Soccer Coach for a small local high school and my wife is our Athletic Trainer. However, when we are not at school we are usually in the woods or on the water. After 48 years in the outdoors across 7 eastern states I had my first Bigfoot encounter in 2020 along with my wife and daughters. The experience changed our lives and over the past 4 years I have logged hundreds of pieces of evidence with multiple additional sightings and encounters to the point I have become a local resource for numerous well known researchers including In the Shadow of Big Redeye, Small Town Monsters, Hellbent Holler and The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization to name a few. I focus heavily on connecting terrain features and season travel patterns to determine areas where encounters are most likely to occur within the 70,000+ acres of Land Between the Lakes.